Welcome To Little Avenue
Dedicated role play centre for young children with a variety of play equipments
We have 12 individual activity rooms each filled with props and costumes to bring your Child`s imaginary play to life
Little Avenue is inside Go Kids Go Unit 2 ,RawDykes Road ,Leicester,LE2 7JU
Suitable for children upto 8 years old.8 years and over will be charged child price if wish to accompany younger siblings.
Little Avenue is a role play beyond imagination
Children need a variety of essential skills to understand the environment they live in, they learn and develop these skills through observing and listening to those around them. At little avenue we have created just that, a special space for children to explore their imaginations and experiment their observations through creative play.
Our play area is designed to encourage purposeful play, which allows children to explore, discover and experience different social and emotional situations.
Our individually themed rooms loaded with appropriate and well suited props will help children to develop their creative thinking, interaction, cooperation and collaboration skills and ultimately have loads of fun!
We encourage parents and cares to follow along their child/children and join in their world of imaginary play. A perfect excuse for them to be a child again!!
Little Avenue is the perfect little inspirational place for your children to be for whatever they want to be!

Little to Big Party!
There are plenty of reasons to choose Little Avenue Roleplay Centre for your children. One special reason is, a memorable Little Avenue Birthday party for your child!
Tired of hosting a party at home? Don’t want a mess or the hassle? Then book your party with Little Avenue!
Bring your children and their friends to our centre for an unforgettable Little Avenue party experience. While we look after your party needs, you can be stress free and enjoy your time with family and friends. Don’t forget to bring in your Birthday Cake and candles !

With regret, little avenue has no wheelchair access at the moment.
Sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.